Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Radio Days and Heike Crabs

Well, at least a radio hour, but what an hour it was! Give a listen if you're interested about what Dorian and I discussed the other night on WFMU's The Speakeasy. Aside from talking about the book with all the co-conspirators that helped out along the way, this was my first time hearing a stranger's reactions to it. I'm pleased to say that the book seems to succeed in that the words and images demonstrate how these events have long-lasting impact on all sorts of cultural levels.

I also learned about Heike crabs, also know as samurai crabs.

At some point during the interview, Dorian asked if I had discovered any examples of recognizable faces popping up in Asia.

While I did read about a sketched Jesus face in China, supposedly inspired by melting snow found by a photographer who ended up converting to Christianity, this example and a few others never panned out for the book.

It's a shame that I didn't know about these crabs while putting together the book; I probably let myself get too caught up looking for religious figures, celebrities and corporate mascots. Fact is, these crabs are believed to be reincarnated warriors defeated during the Battle of Dan-no-ura, a famous 12th century Japanese naval battle.

Hard to deny that the pattern on the carapace possesses a very facial form. I suppose it is iconic, in that it also resembles illustrated depictions of samurai.

Thanks radio-listener-comment-maker!

That's all for now.

Ja matta ne!

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