Monday, March 3, 2008

Virgin Mary Water Heater

This KOLD report tells, very briefly, of a Virgin Mary water heater that according to residents of Douglas, Arizona, appeared “some time ago.” Noticed on a rusting portion of the water heater, this image draws enough people to justify encasing it in glass. But this doesn’t mean you can’t see it. The report concludes: “When you get to Douglas, Arizona just ask around town.” You’ll be pointed in the right direction.

I’m not sure why this Mary made the news last week, and the cagey chronology is of no help. Wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that Douglas is a border town? A part of the community but nothing to create stir over, especially since these sorts of manifestations have a long history in Mexico, originating with the Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Here in Madonna of the Toast land, we've seen lots of these belled, feminine forms on the sides of houses, in trees, on stones and doors, but this is the first one on a water heater.

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